I’ve taken it upon myself to try and generate enthusiasm for this wonderful driving game. When driving the first person to yell ‘Zitch Dog’ upon seeing one of our canine friends is credited with a point. A tally is kept for the day or drive and bragging rights are immortalised in the memory of the gods.
I’m sure it has deeper origins but my wife and I came across the phenomena during the US sitcom ‘How I meet your Mother’. I’ll admit our version is pretty tame but with other variations allowing free slaps or even one sided boxing it has scope to rival extreme sports with the right community backing.
There are currently two know ways to earn a slap the first is false ‘Zitching’ a word I’m claiming as my own describing when a participant preaches ‘Zitch Dog’ only to fail to provide adequate proof of a canine in the immediate proximity. The other is when one player gets a 10-0 lead on a supposed competitor.
Given I play with my wife and society and law enforcement don’t really agree with physical violence against one’s spouse I’m sure we’ll keep playing the bragging rights version but all you gen-y folk get slapping ...
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