Friday, July 31, 2009
Your eBay item sold!
Thursday, July 30, 2009
What is irony?
Tuesday, July 28, 2009
I’ve taken it upon myself to try and generate enthusiasm for this wonderful driving game. When driving the first person to yell ‘Zitch Dog’ upon seeing one of our canine friends is credited with a point. A tally is kept for the day or drive and bragging rights are immortalised in the memory of the gods.
I’m sure it has deeper origins but my wife and I came across the phenomena during the US sitcom ‘How I meet your Mother’. I’ll admit our version is pretty tame but with other variations allowing free slaps or even one sided boxing it has scope to rival extreme sports with the right community backing.
There are currently two know ways to earn a slap the first is false ‘Zitching’ a word I’m claiming as my own describing when a participant preaches ‘Zitch Dog’ only to fail to provide adequate proof of a canine in the immediate proximity. The other is when one player gets a 10-0 lead on a supposed competitor.
Given I play with my wife and society and law enforcement don’t really agree with physical violence against one’s spouse I’m sure we’ll keep playing the bragging rights version but all you gen-y folk get slapping ...
Monday, July 27, 2009
Thank-you DigiDNA
New life for an old beast
Only the very keen observer of my gdgt widget or friends and family would know I have an old HP laptop and the old girl is about to get a new breath of life. It’s noisy and heavy and the track-pad doesn’t work but I maxed out the RAM a while ago and it still has enough grunt to be useful. So I’ve ordered a new battery online and am keenly anticipating delivery in a fortnight or so.
It’ll be lucky if it gives me two hours and that is really laughable compared to the seven hours my wife’s new MacBook Pro can churn out, but it is a damn site cheaper than buying a new rig. Besides it will give me more time to find ways of justifying a new laptop and what is more convincing than using your old one in to the ground ...
Saturday, July 25, 2009
ponder this 01
If you hold the half flush button to long should you
have just pressed the full flush?
A gimmick to encourage regulars
“Ponder this” will hopefully feature each weekend and pose a question that for whatever reason I’ve pondered sometime throughout the week, I won’t answer the question but rather leave it open to my audience to appease us all ...
Friday, July 24, 2009
Not Communal!
Well I’m three days into this new communication forum and it’s time for a good old fashion rant!
To set the scene I started a new job around a month ago as a Software Consultant. As is the norm in the IT services industry you don’t always have billable work for all your staff all the time so the metaphor of a ‘bench’ is used to describe anyone between engagements. Think of a basketball game and the interchange players are on the ‘bench’ or colloquially as he say here in Australia on the ‘Pine’.
The thing is while not billable on a client’s site I’m currently commuting to the head office and working on internal projects where applicable, interweaved with the regular HR and administration staff the company uses to keep the place running. As with all workplaces we have a lunchroom well that’s being a little generous it’s more like a lunch alcove but it does have a fridge, microwave, kettle and sandwich toaster.
Given that it's the middle of July and that means middle of winter for us south of the equator folk I’ve gotten into the habit of bringing in a couple of sandwiches and toasting them up.
Following good toasted sandwich practice I leave the bread unbuttered and come toasting time I butter the outsides of the bread place it in the toaster and bob’s my uncle. That was until today! Today was a dark day for my toasted sandwich routine! After taking my sandwich from the fridge and plugging in the toaster I turned back to the fridge for the margarine that was conveniently in there. Only to find a note attached to the top of the tub ‘Not Communal’
I mean seriously how can margarine not be communal? It's not like a bar fridge should have 18 tubs of margarine in it or anything. I was tempted to secure $5.00 to the top of the freaking tub and use it anyway but I figured why rustle feathers when you're only in that office on the odd occasion. Surely a little give and take would be appropriate here.
It's like a slither of margarine a day for crying out loud ...
Thursday, July 23, 2009
So that’s a wrap.
It is probably one of the more unique comedies ever produced by American screen writers. I found your usual run of the mill American comedy will have around two maybe three plot lines per episode. The main two characters are followed and auxiliary characters provide support comedy and a change of pace.
This just isn’t the case with Arrested Development sure they lean on ‘series’ wide jokes to add to the laughs they still manage to set up a barrage of events between characters only to have them interweave in unpredictable ways come the end of that episode.
It really is refreshing to see such good consistent writing evident to even a layman such as myself. It seems I'm not the only one the show impressed with it snagging a number of Emmy awards and a Golden Globe.
I'll be keeping an eye out for the creater of the show Mitchell Hurwitz previous and future works. If you’re yet to check it out I highly recommend all three seasons ...
Wednesday, July 22, 2009
... another blog is born!
I'll be honest with you up front as this is as much an exercise in personal growth as a social experiment in whether I can hold a captivated audience.
It has also been a rocky start not only did I have to overcome the dilemma on what to title my blog and secure a catchy url that even my parents might remember. I then managed not once but twice to lose all that I had typed in to my first post by being lured into the browsers Google search field, particularly embarrassing for a guy who calls himself a software consultant. If you don’t tell anyone I won’t.
I hope to be humorous, honest and even interesting at times as I try to capture my enthusiasm for a range of topics I find enjoyable. I also suspect a collection of rants and raves about a range of topics that boil my blood or simply annoy me at the time.
Let the experiment begin...