I recently caught Iron Man 2 in the cinema, and it is worth disclosing that I'm a pretty big fan of the original. The original is actually one disc in my two movie blu-ray collection but I guess that is another post on to itself.
I should begin with the customary read at your own peril, as while I'll make efforts not to provide any spoilers these thoughts are best read once you've seen and formed your own opinions.
Strictly speaking Iron Man 2 doesn't bring anything new to the table, but then I don't really think there was anything missing from the first instalment. I've recently gotten in to the habit of completely inverting my eyes from any film promotion that I've already decided I'll go see. Once again this tactic served me well having not seen all the blowy-up-bits in the shorts. I recommend this tactic to anyone else who thinks modern day trailers are to revealing for their own good.
As far as special effects go they where ace, but then these days unless the director is after a cheesy half baked look they often are flawless. - well with the exception of this film. I also liked the way the storyline of the first was vaguely extended but different enough to provide both films with independent endings, I'm looking at you "Kill Bill: Vol 1" and "The Matrix Reloaded"
However the really innovative thing that Iron Man 2 contributes to is the 'comic book' like cross promotion that Marvel have been brewing for the last two years as we lead up to the visionary 'Avengers' movie. Together with the recent Hulk film along with Iron Man (1) and the scheduled next year releases of Thor and Captain America. The Avengers movie set to hit big screens in 2012 will include all the aforementioned super heros and one can only imagine a band of super villains to match.
It really isn't anything new for the comic book scene with super heros and villains often making cameos in each others source material. However it is great to see Marvel extend the idea to the big screen, which is arguably risker given the cost to illustrate a comic versus bank roll a hollywood blockbuster feature film.
If you haven't already seen Iron Man 2 I highly recommend it and make sure you stick around after the credits for the teaser scene and keep an eye out in movie for the Captain America reference ...